SRD Distinction
SRD Distinction is a unique claims handling service for high-net-worth (HNW) personal and commercial claims. This service supports insureds across Canada with a bespoke service focused on delivering the highest level of customer service excellence and professionalism.
An Exceptional Approach for Distinctive Clients
A concierge-style service, SRD Distinction is devoted to handling claims for high-value assets and luxury possessions requiring specialist valuation. We have appointed a designated group of SRD Adjusters equipped with the essential technical expertise, advanced interpersonal skills, and professionalism required to handle these unique losses.
As part of the SRD Distinction service, we remain consistent with delivering the best possible service to our clients, including 24/7 response, communication, and coordination with all required stakeholders, including brokers, financial institutions, or legal representatives. Our Adjusters provide a highly personalized, seamless service, where the pace of the claim is dictated by the customer. We focus on professionalism, communication, and discretion to ensure we are meeting the unique needs and expectations of HNW clients.
This service is available across Canada. Appointed team members are located in major city centres and regions to ensure our industry-leading resources are supported by local expertise.
The Right Expert Partners
SRD Adjusters collaborate with pre-selected and vetted contractors and specialist vendors who understand and work closely with high-value and luxury items. We strive to ensure accurate appraisals, with the flexibility to work with preferred contractors if desired. For claims requiring specific expertise or technical knowledge, our experts can provide accurate valuation and quantification of damage, including:
- Wine
- Art
- Jewelry
- Collectables
- Unique exterior/interior building features and finishes
We work closely with expert vendors and contractors to ensure seamless communication and claims handling with all stakeholders, resulting in successful claim outcomes. Where appropriate, joint meetings will be conducted with required stakeholders to communicate project standards, objectives, and timelines, ensuring claims can be expedited and resolved.